Dating Agencies London
We say elsewhere, London is the dating capital of the world! Dating London, dating Essex, dating anywhere are search terms used thousands and thousands of time on the web. The results are many, so how can you be certain what you are getting?
The answer is that we interview all our dating members for London and the many other counties we serve. Thus we know as best we can that all of them are all genuine and real people.

Our personal service for London dating is part of the unique service we offer across London and the South East, right up to Norfolk and out to the Hertfordshire and the west.
London dating means you require the best! For each of our One2One members we create a unique dating profile with an up to date photograph. You can supply your own or we will offer you a choice of a range we take for you when you come to see us.
Everyone who joins Across the Room is invited to our offices so you can see who we are and meet us. We can both then use that opportunity to take a variety of photographs from which you can select the best.
Not only that, all our One2One London Dating Agency members get free lifetime membership of our Social Singles Events
If you are looking for a dating agency covering London and Essex with a help line on which you can speak to someone about London dating, speak to Eleanor now on 01449 722800.